Exhibition archive 2025 13.09.2024 - 02.03.2025 Albert OehlenComputer Paintings 08.11.2024 - 23.02.2025 Nudes, Antiquity, Anatomy Exploring the world through drawing 31.05.2024 - 19.01.2025 untranquil nowa constellation of narratives and resonances 2024 12.04.2024 - 27.10.2024 THE EPHEMERAL LAKEA digital installation by Jakob Kudsk Steensen 31.05.2024 - 29.09.2024 Georges Adéagbohas created a new work for the Hamburger Kunsthalle 18.02.2022 - 15.09.2024 something new, something old, something desired 14.06.2024 - 08.09.2024 William Blake's Universe 17.05.2024 - 11.08.2024 Kathleen Ryan 15.12.2023 - 01.04.2024 Caspar David FriedrichArt for a new Age 17.11.2023 - 10.03.2024 FIGURE AND LANDSCAPENineteenth-Century Art from two Private Hamburg Collections 13.10.2023 - 25.02.2024 OUTSTANDING!The Relief from Rodin to Taeuber-Arp 2023 10.08.2023 - 12.11.2023 Walid RaadCotton Under My Feet: The Hamburg Chapter 31.03.2023 - 22.10.2023 NO ILLUSIONSPainting in Space 26.05.2023 - 24.09.2023 PERISCOPIC!Pop and Agitation in Werner Nöfer’s Graphic Art 28.04.2023 - 24.09.2023 1923The Faces of an Era 12.05.2023 - 27.08.2023 Vija Celmins | Gerhard RichterDOUBLE VISION 25.04.2021 - 02.07.2023 On Hybrid CreaturesSculpture in Modernism 10.02.2023 - 07.05.2023 »Paris Is My Library«Drawings and Prints by Félicien Rops 09.12.2022 - 10.04.2023 Femme FataleGaze – Power – Gender 30.09.2022 - 12.02.2023 BREATHING 2022 09.09.2022 - 31.10.2022 Viermalvier / Fourtimesfour 20.05.2022 - 28.08.2022 Give and Take. Images upon Images8th Triennial of Photography, 2022 – Currency 25.03.2022 - 07.08.2022 Ernst Wilhelm NayRetrospective 26.11.2021 - 24.04.2022 Class SocietyEveryday Life as Seen by Dutch Masters. With Lars Eidinger and Stefan Marx 16.10.2021 - 18.04.2022 »I USUALLY PRIME WITH CHALK…«Emil Nolde’s Painting Technique 14.01.2022 - 10.04.2022 FUTURAMeasuring Time 12.11.2021 - 27.03.2022 From Menzel to MonetThe Wolffson Collection in Hamburg 24.09.2021 - 13.02.2022 TOYEN 15.10.2021 - 16.01.2022 Werner BüttnerLast Lecture Show 2021 30.08.2019 - 05.12.2021 UNFINISHED STORIESStories from the Collection 18.06.2021 - 28.11.2021 OUT OFSPACE 20.08.2021 - 24.10.2021 SERENA FERRARIOWhere the Drawings Live 02.07.2021 - 03.10.2021 RaphaelThe Impact of a Genius 04.09.2020 - 05.09.2021 Back then has always been nowPainting since 1947 reconsidered 16.04.2021 - 15.08.2021 SeriesPrints from Warhol to Wool 27.11.2020 - 25.07.2021 Walter Gramatté and Hamburg 22.01.2021 - 24.05.2021 DE CHIRICOMagical Reality 04.09.2020 - 09.05.2021 The Absurd Beauty of SpaceSeven Artists vs. Ungers 2020 07.02.2020 - 02.08.2020 MourningOn Loss and ChangeMourning 13.12.2019 - 01.06.2020 Goya, Fragonard, TiepoloThe Freedom of Imagination 24.06.2018 - 14.03.2020 With-One-Anotherat the Hamburger Kinderzimmer 30.08.2019 - 09.02.2020 100 Years of the Hamburg SecessionEncounters with the Collection 30.08.2019 - 09.02.2020 RembrandtMasterpieces from the Collection 07.06.2019 - 05.01.2020 Edith DekyndtThey Shoot Horses 15.12.2017 - 05.01.2020 again and againstFrom the Collection of Contemporary Art 2019 23.08.2019 - 10.11.2019 Consistent. Controversial. New.Insights into 150 Years 10.05.2019 - 22.09.2019 In the Light of the NorthDanish Painting from the Ordrupgaard Collection 08.11.2018 - 15.09.2019 The Video is the MessageThe Media Collection of the Hamburger Kunsthalle 12.04.2019 - 14.07.2019 HAMBURG SCHOOLThe 19th Century Rediscovered 05.06.2019 - 30.06.2019 Leonardo da VinciThe Drawings in the Kupferstichkabinett 29.03.2019 - 23.06.2019 KP BrehmerCorrection of National Colours 24.02.2019 - 26.05.2019 Familiar Yet UnknownFriedrich Einhoff in the Hamburger Kunsthalle Collection 25.01.2019 - 19.05.2019 MY PERSPECTIVE 03.07.2018 - 19.05.2019 [Out of] BalanceSammlungspräsentation 16.02.2018 - 07.04.2019 Honey, I Rearranged The Collection#3 Bouncing in the Corner. Surveying Space 07.12.2018 - 10.03.2019 Heinrich ReinholdTracing the Landscape 16.11.2018 - 24.02.2019 Philippe VandenbergKamikaze 2018 29.06.2018 - 14.10.2018 Nature UnleashedThe Image of Catastrophe since 1600 08.06.2018 - 23.09.2018 [CONTROL] NO CONTROLTriennal of Photographie Hamburg 02.06.2017 - 10.06.2018 Uncharted Territory: Jose DávilaThe Elephant and the Feather 30.04.2016 - 03.06.2018 PLAY YOUR DREAMSAt the Hamburger Kinderzimmer 02.03.2018 - 27.05.2018 Thomas GainsboroughThe Modern Landscape 01.12.2017 - 02.04.2018 Artist’s BooksThe Collection 06.10.2017 - 04.02.2018 Anita RéeA Retrospective 13.10.2017 - 14.01.2018 The Light of the CampagnaDrawings by Claude Lorrain from the British Museum in London 2017 21.07.2017 - 31.10.2017 Art and Alphabet 09.06.2017 - 17.09.2017 Collecting for HamburgNew Acquisitions and Donations forThe Department of Prints and Drawings, 2001–2016 23.06.2017 - 10.09.2017 Art is PublicFrom Kunstverein to Kunsthalle 12.05.2017 - 27.08.2017 Open Access13 Views into the Collection 17.02.2017 - 18.06.2017 WAITING.Between Power and Possibility 25.11.2016 - 21.05.2017 Drawing Rooms IITrends in Contemporary Graphic Art 24.02.2017 - 21.05.2017 Woodcuts from the Age of Titian 24.02.2017 - 21.05.2017 The Poetry of Venetian PaintingParis Bordone, Palma il Vecchio, Lorenzo Lotto, Titian 30.04.2016 - 01.05.2017 Uncharted Territory: Haegue YangQuasi-Pagan Serial 07.10.2016 - 22.01.2017 Dalí, Ernst, Miró, Magritte ...Surreal Encounters from the Collections Roland Penrose, Edward James, Gabrielle Keiller, Ulla and Heiner Pietzsch 30.09.2016 - 08.01.2017 Clemens von WedemeyerAffected Places 02.09.2016 - 08.01.2017 Looking for TracesDrawings and Watercolours from Three Centuries. - extended until 08 Jan. 2017 18.09.2016 - 01.01.2017 Seeing with the Inner EyeSeeing with the Inner Eye 2016 30.04.2016 - 30.10.2016 Drawing RoomsTrends in Contemporary Graphic Art 27.05.2016 - 04.09.2016 ManetPainting the Gaze 30.04.2016 - 21.08.2016 PiranesiCarceri 11.02.2016 - 16.05.2016 Eckersberg — Fascination with RealityThe Golden Age of Danish Painting 18.09.2015 - 10.02.2016 Nolde in Hamburg 16.10.2015 - 31.01.2016 Franz Ludwig CatelImages of Italy in the Romantic period 01.08.2014 - 31.01.2016 SPOT ONMasterpieces from the Hamburger Kunsthalle collection 2015 19.06.2015 - 13.09.2015 When there is hopeTriennial of Photography Hamburg 2015 20.02.2015 - 16.08.2015 Enchanted TimeCézanne, Van Gogh, Bonnard, Manguin Masterpieces from the Arthur and Hedy Hahnloser-Bühler Collection 13.03.2015 - 31.05.2015 The Feminist Avant-Garde of the 1970sWorks from the SAMMLUNG VERBUND, Vienna 19.10.2014 - 19.02.2015 ars viva 2014/15 2014 23.05.2014 - 14.09.2014 Lichtwark revisitedArtists' views of Hamburg 16.05.2014 - 03.08.2014 C’EST LA VIEThe Paris of Daumier and Toulouse-Lautrec 21.03.2014 - 15.06.2014 Transformation of the WorldThe Romantic Arabesque 21.02.2014 - 15.06.2014 Feuerbach’s Muses – Lagerfeld’s Models 01.11.2013 - 25.05.2014 Serial AttitudesRepetition as an artistic method since the 1960s 03.11.2013 - 09.03.2014 Drawn on StoneFrench Lithographs from the Hegewisch Collection and Department of Prints and Drawings 29.11.2013 - 02.03.2014 GegoLine as Object 29.11.2013 - 02.03.2014 Eva HesseOne More than One 25.10.2013 - 26.01.2014 The Beauty of the LineStefano della Bella as a Draughtsman 13.10.2013 - 19.01.2014 Alfred Flechtheim.comArt Dealer of the Avant-Garde 20.09.2013 - 12.01.2014 Denmark's Breakthrough to ModernismDenmark's Breakthrough to Modernism 2013 19.07.2013 - 27.10.2013 R.B. KitajThe Retrospective 14.07.2013 - 20.10.2013 Richard LongPrints 1970 - 2013 08.09.2012 - 20.10.2013 15 years of the Gallery of Contemporary Art 22.06.2013 - 22.09.2013 Jochen Lempert 16.06.2013 - 22.09.2013 Jean LeppienFrom the Bauhaus to the Mediterranean 26.05.2013 - 25.08.2013 Monika GrzymalaMono Meros 01.03.2013 - 11.08.2013 Fail BetterMoving Images 26.04.2013 - 07.07.2013 Paul KleeEngel 18.01.2013 - 30.06.2013 A Life for HamburgOscar Troplowitz 25.01.2013 - 19.05.2013 GiacomettiThe Playing Fields 24.03.2013 - 23.04.2013 Franz Erhard Walther 06.11.2012 - 03.03.2013 Annette WehrmannBrain and Money 11.11.2012 - 03.03.2013 Captivated by DarknessCharles Meryon and the French Etching Revival 06.04.2012 - 17.02.2013 Art from the 1950sCollection Display 26.10.2012 - 27.01.2013 Johann Christian ReinhartA German Landscape Painter in Rome 2012 22.07.2012 - 28.10.2012 An ear alone is not a beingJohn Cage zum 100. Geburtstag 22.06.2012 - 30.09.2012 Alice in the Wonderland of Art 18.08.2012 - 30.09.2012 BALTIC RAWOpen Museum 08.06.2012 - 23.09.2012 LOST PLACESSites of Photography 22.10.2011 - 29.07.2012 minimal and beyondCollection display 05.02.2012 - 29.07.2012 Paul WunderlichThe Early Lithographs 25.03.2012 - 08.07.2012 Georg JappeOrnithopoetry “Birds are the landscape’s memory” 10.02.2012 - 17.06.2012 Louise BourgeoisPassage dangereux 17.02.2012 - 13.05.2012 EXHAUSTED HEROESFerdinand Hodler – Aleksandr Dejneka – Neo Rauch 19.03.2012 - 06.05.2012 TransitCollection display 16.10.2011 - 11.03.2012 Georg Ernst Harzen 07.11.2010 - 20.02.2012 Red, Yellow, BlueAt the Hamburger Kinderzimmer 30.09.2011 - 19.02.2012 Max LiebermannPioneer of Modern Art 18.09.2011 - 15.01.2012 The Collection of Groundkeeper Wilhelm Werner 2011 15.07.2011 - 13.10.2011 Marc BrandenburgDrawing 06.02.2011 - 03.10.2011 Painted over. Smudged. Erased.Painted over. Smudged. Erased. 16.06.2011 - 11.09.2011 Bruegel, Rembrandt & CoDutch Drawings 1450-1850 15.02.2009 - 21.08.2011 Noble GuestsImpressionist Masterpieces from the Kunsthalle Bremen 15.04.2011 - 14.08.2011 Roni HornPhotographic Works 27.03.2011 - 26.06.2011 Antiquity UnleashedAby Warburg and the Birth of the Pathos Formula in Hamburg 11.02.2011 - 22.05.2011 Out of focusAfter Gerhard Richter 27.02.2011 - 15.05.2011 Attila CsörgőThe Archimedean Point 03.12.2010 - 13.03.2011 Runge’s CosmosThe Morning of the Romantic Era 12.11.2010 - 06.02.2011 CutScherenschnitte 1970-2010 07.10.2010 - 16.01.2011 Kirchner 25.06.2010 - 09.01.2011 David Tremlett. Drawing RoomsWall Drawings for the Gallery of Contemporary Art 2010 27.09.2009 - 24.10.2010 Spiegelei im Hamburger KinderzimmerAt the Hamburger Kinderzimmer 04.06.2010 - 12.09.2010 Sailing Under Full CanvasDutch Paintings of the Golden Age 28.03.2010 - 27.06.2010 »A Temporary Heaven«Art in Hamburg in the 1920s 18.04.2010 - 18.06.2010 The Jesus ScandalA Liebermann painting in the crossfire of critics 06.05.2010 - 11.06.2010 Whiteout by Geert GoirisPresentation of the 11th Baloise Art Prize 09.04.2010 - 06.06.2010 The Song of the LineStephan von Huene. Drawings from five decades 12.02.2010 - 09.05.2010 Pop LifeWarhol, Haring, Koons, Hirst, … 09.02.2009 - 14.02.2010 Views of HamburgThe city in the painter's gaze 2009 05.07.2009 - 01.11.2009 The Arena of RidiculeThe Arena of Ridicule 14.06.2009 - 27.09.2009 Marcel van EedenThe Zurich Trial, Part 1: Witness for the Prosecution 05.06.2009 - 27.09.2009 Roman SignerProjections. Films and Videos 1975–2008 20.05.2009 - 16.08.2009 Dance of ColoursNijinsky's Eye and Abstraction 30.01.2009 - 26.04.2009 MAN SON 1969The Horror of the Situation 28.11.2008 - 15.02.2009 Jakob Philipp HackertEuropean Landscape Painters in the Age of Goethe 24.10.2008 - 01.02.2009 From Leonardo to PiranesiItalian Drawings from 1450 to 1800c 28.09.2008 - 11.01.2009 Eduard Bargheer in Hamburg 19.09.2008 - 11.01.2009 Max Ernst. Une semaine de bontéThe original colllages 2008 06.06.2008 - 05.10.2008 The Mirror of Secret DesiresStill Lifes from Five Centuries 16.05.2008 - 14.09.2008 Mark RothkoThe Retrospective 04.04.2008 - 20.07.2008 Thomas DemandCamera 07.03.2008 - 09.07.2008 Wild!Depictions of Animals from Four Centuries 01.02.2008 - 15.06.2008 Horst Janssen und die NiederländerLeporello: Don Juan’s Lovers 24.02.2008 - 01.06.2008 Therese HalleTherese Halle 08.02.2008 - 01.06.2008 A Vision of ItalyNetherlandish Landscape Drawings Between Reality and Fantasy 15.02.2008 - 18.05.2008 Félix VallottonIdyll on the Edge 02.10.2007 - 06.04.2008 World ReceiverCelebrating the Tenth Anniversary of the Gallery of Contemporary Art 12.10.2007 - 13.01.2008 A LoveMax Klingers impact on modern art 16.09.2007 - 06.01.2008 Sigmar Polke. Cultural TemplateCultural Template. Prints from 1963 to 2000 17.08.2007 - 06.01.2008 David HockneyMyself and my Heroes 2007 08.06.2007 - 16.09.2007 Sea Pieces - from Max Beckmann to Gerhard RichterOf beautiful women, container ships and monster waves 04.05.2007 - 05.08.2007 Daniel RichterA major survey 23.03.2007 - 10.06.2007 Black SquareHommage an Malewitsch 02.02.2007 - 06.05.2007 Helene Schjerfbeck 14.09.2006 - 18.02.2007 MahjongContemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection 2006 16.06.2006 - 17.09.2006 In the Light of the SouthMarseilles visits Hamburg 28.05.2006 - 27.08.2006 Parcours.Images of the Orient From Meister Francke to Shirin Neshat 12.08.2005 - 01.07.2006 Welcome Guests from DenmarkThe Statens Museum for Kunst in the Hamburger Kunsthalle 03.03.2006 - 14.05.2006 Edvard Munch»…from the modern life of the soul« 20.01.2006 - 02.04.2006 Exploring hidden worldsGerman drawings from Dürer to Chodowiecki 23.09.2005 - 12.02.2006 Return to SpaceIn Cooperation with Hamburger Kunsthalle and Siemens Arts Program 21.10.2005 - 15.01.2006 Die »Brücke« in Hamburg 14.10.2005 - 15.01.2006 Francis BaconThe Portraits 2005 21.08.2005 - 13.11.2005 SegregatedArt in Hamburg 1933-1945 05.08.2005 - 09.10.2005 Horst JanssenTotentanz 24.06.2005 - 18.09.2005 Sea-piecesFrom Caspar David Friedrich to Emil Nolde 10.04.2005 - 21.08.2005 present:storytellers 01.05.2005 - 31.07.2005 Standpunkt: André LützenHole in the head 17.04.2005 - 03.07.2005 Fritz FenzlEncounters with ‘Guernica’ Re-discovered photographs by Fritz Fenzl of the 1956 Picasso exhibition in Hamburg 08.04.2005 - 26.06.2005 Pieter de HoochThe messenger of love 17.04.2005 - 26.06.2005 Albert Renger-PatzschPark Landscapes in Hamburg 19.11.2004 - 06.02.2005 I, Lovis CorinthThe self-portraits 12.09.2004 - 02.01.2005 Inga Svala ThorsdottirBorg 2004 11.06.2004 - 26.09.2004 In Max Liebermann’s Garden 18.06.2004 - 19.09.2004 Johann Georg von DillisDrawings and Watercolours 19.02.2004 - 31.05.2004 From Delacroix to GauguinFrench 19th-Century Prints from the Hamburger Kunsthalle’sDepartment of Prints, Drawings and Photography 26.03.2004 - 31.05.2004 Mona HatoumA major survey including new work 31.01.2004 - 16.05.2004 Pleasurable Life – Hidden DesiresDutch Genre Scenes from Frans Hals to Jan Steen 29.08.2003 - 28.03.2004 gegenwärtig: Field Research 07.11.2003 - 29.02.2004 Ice HotRecent Painting from the Scharpff Collection 24.10.2003 - 01.02.2004 Lyonel FeiningerHuman portraits. An unfamiliar world 24.08.2003 - 04.01.2004 Art of the 1920s in Hamburg 2003 16.09.2003 - 30.11.2003 ART IS WORK IS ARTArthur Köpcke on his 75th birthday 23.05.2003 - 24.08.2003 Stephan von HueneTune the World 09.05.2003 - 17.08.2003 From Runge to Menzel100 Master Drawingsfrom the Hamburger Kunsthalle 07.02.2003 - 30.06.2003 DreamwalkerOdilon Redon and Rodolphe Bresdin 22.03.2003 - 29.06.2003 Vilhelm Hammershøi 14.02.2003 - 11.05.2003 Gregor SchneiderHannelore Reuen 02.02.2003 - 04.05.2003 STANDPUNKT: Christian Hahn"Hotbed" 1996 20.09.1996 - 01.12.1996 Georg HinzDas Kunstkammerregal (the art cabinet shelf) 05.07.1996 - 08.09.1996 Drawing is SeeingFrench Drawings from Ingres to Cézanne