360° Tour
Marco Vedana (www.documentart.de)
Martina Gschwilm, Dr. Katharina Hoins, Elisabeth Lutz-Bachmann
Welcome to the 360° Tour through the Hamburger Kunsthalle. This virtual tour comprises twelve of the museum’s halls including spaces of particularly striking architectural appeal like the historical staircase, the study hall or the atrium of the Gallery of Contemporary Art. You can enjoy more than 150 works, from Meister Bertram to Caspar David Friedrich to Sigmar Polke. Complementing the tour are short texts and audio tracks on selected highlights. This walkabout has been made possible by a partnership with the Stiftung Kulturglück.
At the far right of the legend on the bottom you can open and close a floor plan showing you the various viewpoints in the house. Just click and you go straight there. With the full-screen button the view is enlarged to fill the entire screen. The icon at the centre displays a list of works from the various viewpoints in the room. The tour offers spectacular 360-degree views that give you the impression of standing right in the exhibition halls. The special technology behind the high-resolution pictures affords unique perspectives, for example, into the cupola or the historical staircases, which could not be experienced like this even in real life.
Moreover, the virtual tour through more than 120 viewpoints puts you right in front of the works, allowing you to examine them in detail. Via the viewpoints in front of the works you can also access further information: if you go to the indicator plate on the photo, the technical and other details related to the work open up in an extra window. Short texts on the selected artworks are marked with an i. In addition, you can call up audio tracks on some of the works during your tour.
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